Dead To Me – Part 1 of 4

“…so put to death whatever…” “She said, ‘You are dead to me,’” my friend sputtered out, barely understandable from her sobs. My friend tried to explain a falling out she and her daughter had and how it ended with her daughter leaving in a rage, with her last words to her mother being, “You are…


“I pray my ways become firmly established.” Whom or what grounds you? Family and faith are popular answers to the above question. On a day-to-day basis amidst the crazy, there are other ways to bring our focus back to what matters, like music, a scent, or stepping into nature. God’s Word and prayer also are…

Don’t Give Up

 “I have labored in vain.” Have you ever said something like, “I have worked, but how hopeless it is! I have used up my strength, but have accomplished nothing” (Isaiah 49:4, GNT)? When our efforts on the relationship, the craft we have felt called to, or the thing we have emptied our heart and soul…

Building Our True Identity

“…who loved me and gave himself for me.” Do you know who you are? The search for identity is often lost in what we do, what has been done to us, or labels like sexuality, gender, race, political affiliation, economics, popularity, followers, or likes. I wonder what you would add to the list. What if…

What Is Your Reality?

“…on the realities of heaven…” Is your life super busy, feel your life is full, and that many things in your life are going well? Still, you sense that something is missing and that there could be more? Many of us live with an awareness of purpose in our life, like loving our families, doing…