Indescribable Pain

I have learned a lot about pain lately.  The kind that strikes your deepest core, because of unexpected news and even if it was somewhat expected the reality of a living nightmare – who really can be prepared for this.  Diagnosis of terminal illness, divorce papers served, you pick the situation that seems out of…

About My God

God is so much a part of who I am that my relationship with Him cannot help but spill over into what I write.  “For in Him we live and move and have our being.”1   How He loves me, disciplines me, speaks to me, heals me and leads me, every fiber of my being connects…

Honduras Journal-Day6-Stunned

No amount of preparation could adequately have equipped us for this morning’s experience.  We began the morning in our usual fashion, after breakfast we had a devotional time.  This morning led by the Cahill family.  Then we received our instructions for the day. Today was to begin with a visit to the pediatric ward of…