Monday, October 10, 2011 4:00pm We could not have asked for better weather. It doesn’t always work that way when you go away on retreat. I remember one year going to a place in Clearwater for a retreat and it was so cold, I spent the majority of my time in my room. The house…
Abbey Journal – “Bad Dreams & Good Cannoli”
Sunday, October 9, 2011 9:30am I got up early this morning to exercise. I felt like I needed to work off some of the butter & bread I had been consuming. Another gorgeous day. I was anxious to get back to my room though, as I had had one of those dreams where the evil…
Abbey Journal – “Adventures”
Saturday, October 8, 2011 11:30am I slept in a bit this morning as I stayed up too late last night finishing the incredible story of Lillian Trasher. WOW! She lived by faith every day. She saw God provide every day. Yet she had her moments of weariness and times where her faith was challenged. I…
Abbey Journal – “Hand of God”
Friday, October 7, 2011 8:30 am I literally woke up this morning with the song that is popular right now and playing in my mind the words, “This is where the healing begins, whoa, This is where the healing starts….” That’s all I could remember. I receive that. What a beautiful day! 36 degrees, clear…
Abbey Journal – ‘Settling In”
(Last year in October, I was blessed with a gift from the ladies of our church to go on a trip to an Abbey in Wrethem, Massachusetts. I journaled everyday and shared the entire journal in one lump email as a thankyou to the ladies. The response was amazing. I share my journal with you…
Indescribable Pain
I have learned a lot about pain lately. The kind that strikes your deepest core, because of unexpected news and even if it was somewhat expected the reality of a living nightmare – who really can be prepared for this. Diagnosis of terminal illness, divorce papers served, you pick the situation that seems out of…
About My God
God is so much a part of who I am that my relationship with Him cannot help but spill over into what I write. “For in Him we live and move and have our being.”1 How He loves me, disciplines me, speaks to me, heals me and leads me, every fiber of my being connects…
Honduras Journal-Day7- Milk & Cookies
5:00 am The hospital experience, yesterday, did not leave us stunned for long. Right after lunch, heads spinning or not, smiles lit up our faces and arms were opened wide to greet the children with the Milk Project. The Children’s Team rallied a third time to lead in songs, the interactive bible story and the craft…
Honduras Journal-Day6-Stunned
No amount of preparation could adequately have equipped us for this morning’s experience. We began the morning in our usual fashion, after breakfast we had a devotional time. This morning led by the Cahill family. Then we received our instructions for the day. Today was to begin with a visit to the pediatric ward of…
Honduras Journal-Day5-Extraordinary!
Cold showers never felt so good, yesterday when we got back from working all day on the coffee farm. It was what I now refer to as a hokey pokey style shower. Stick your right leg in, you pull your right leg out….you get the picture. A lot of the team grabbed their soap and…