Does Anyone Delight in You?

Alone, unknown, out of place, and out of sorts reflect the feelings I have felt over the past couple of years since we moved. Job transitions, school transitions, and struggling to find a place to call home were all difficult. Leaving a place where we had a rich history in relationships to a place where…

Bring Calm Into Your Life

Do you know the creepy sensation when you feel someone or something is behind you? I was walking down a sidewalk with destination in site and the odd feeling came over me like something was behind me. Keep on walking and pick up the pace or do I turn around and face whatever or whomever…

Need Hope?

Like a rug ripped out from underneath my feet, I have spent the past couple of years trying to rediscover my purpose. It’s been almost 25 years since my knees were bent to the earth in the garden frantically pulling weeds, when God’s heart touched mine and the seed of a call to write was…

Are you waiting?

Throw Back Thursday This blog was first published on July 16, 2014. Waiting for a doctor’s report?  Waiting for a project to be finished?  Waiting for a response via phone, text, Instagram or email?  Waiting to see if someone is mad at you?  Waiting for the right time to start the new health plan?  Waiting…

Don’t Cling To Me!

#ThrowBackThursday This blog was first posted on April 21, 2014. “Don’t cling to me!”  This feels like a strange remark coming from Jesus.  It sounds more like something a mom would say to her kids when they have been wrapped around her legs sticking to her like a sheet of fabric softener. It also sounds…