The Never-Ending Gift
“Open my eyes…” Remember the excitement of receiving an unexpected gift and the anticipation of opening the present to discover whatever could it be? My beach b...
“Open my eyes…” Remember the excitement of receiving an unexpected gift and the anticipation of opening the present to discover whatever could it be? My beach b...
“do not let me wander” Are you prone to wander? “Prone to wander” reminds me of the lyrics in an old hymn I sang growing up, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. ...
“I pray my ways become firmly established.” Whom or what grounds you? Family and faith are popular answers to the above question. On a day-to-day basis amidst t...
“I desire mercy and not sacrifice” The American culture can be highly driven, performance, and productivity-based. Being surrounded by this intense pace makes a...
“The Sabbath was made for the good of people.” Do you want the current season of your life to close out so the next season can begin? When we rush from event to...
“I have labored in vain.” Have you ever said something like, “I have worked, but how hopeless it is! I have used up my strength, but have accomplished no...
“…who loved me and gave himself for me.” Do you know who you are? The search for identity is often lost in what we do, what has been done to us, or labels like ...
“…on the realities of heaven…” Is your life super busy, feel your life is full, and that many things in your life are going well? Still, you sense that somethin...
“He was despised and rejected…” Despised, rejected, avoided, ignored, bullied, and no one cared. Do any of these descriptive words touch a sensitive place in yo...
“…I will never abandon you…” Has there ever been anything in your life that was never? The ironic part of this question is we can only give a current answer, “N...