Be Still
Be Still Breathe deeply as anxieties melt away Observe intentionally as questions are quieted Exhale slowly as the pleas cease their pleading And Know The LORD ...
Be Still Breathe deeply as anxieties melt away Observe intentionally as questions are quieted Exhale slowly as the pleas cease their pleading And Know The LORD ...
“Contentment comes from valuing what you’ve been given, not venting over what’s been withheld.” This source of contentment given by Pris...
Revised post from December 2012 “Focus, Silas, focus,” seems to play like a broken record around our house these days. Off to accomplish the simple instruction ...
Updated Pict Post from December 2018 “Surprise,” my sister and her daughter shouted as they walked through our parents backdoor at 10 pm on a Friday night. My s...
Storm rages. Stomach churns. Anxiety rises. Nerves frazzled. Quiet to the waves. Quiet to the stomach butterflies. Quiet to the anxious thoughts. Quiet to the f...
Every breath. Every thought. Every glance. Every step. Every touch. Every feeling. “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his ho...
“Hey Janae! Did you mean to…?” The answer was, “NO!” I did not mean to send that email to 60 plus people outside of my teams. Adding insult to injury, I quickly...
Out of nowhere a powerful blow is delivered. It is – the not looking for it, didn’t see that one coming that throws us off. But to be hit twice unexpected...
Distant, unconcerned, lack of power, and control is the God described in the popular series called Supernatural. We wonder sometimes, when things do not happen ...
Have you ever had one of those moments where you want to retract a combination of words that spilled out of your mouth? Being an extrovert, unfortunately, I hav...