Who am I – Really? | Valued 

 “You are more valuable to God.”

What has intrinsic value to you?

We can place worth on a variety of things. Relationships, integrity, work-life balance, what others think of us, the balance in our checkbook, to the type of phone we use, or the car we drive.

Value is an assignment we give. Like the tiny circle stickers at a garage sale, we determine what price to place on each item.

God has assigned a value to us.

  • He made us in His image. (Genesis 1:27)
  • He died for us and ransomed us with His blood. (1 Peter 1:18-19, Romans 5:8)
  • He calls us His friends. (John 15:15)
  • He made us partners. (2 Corinthians 6:1) 
  • He made us His ambassadors. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

“What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31, NLT, bold added for emphasis)

We are of intrinsic value to God.

Why, then, do we struggle so much with our worth?

The minute our gaze moves away from Christ and the value He places on us, who we are in Him, our perception of our value will begin to diminish. Every time we look away and glance in the direction of our own ability, how others see us, how we measure up to others, or what the world deems valuable, our perspective of our worth will become unstable.

The biggest enemy of living in the truth of being chosen, seen, and valued is comparison.

What is that to you?

Our gaze falls on what we don’t have or where we fall short, and we submit to value amnesia. 

Peter denied Jesus three times on the night before His death. After breakfast one morning post-resurrection, Jesus asked Peter the same question three times: “Do you love me?” Peter replied affirmatively each time, and Jesus responded, “Then, feed my sheep.” 

Although Jesus’ questions and responses were restorative to Peter’s position as the foundation of Christ’s church, the conversation was difficult for Peter. Jesus continued the conversation by sharing insights into the difficult road ahead of Peter, including how he would die.

Rattled, Peter defaults to a natural tendency to compare. He turned to look at the disciple John and asked Jesus,

Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord? Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me. (John 21:21-22, NLT, bold added for emphases)

Peter, the one who jumped out of the boat in faith and began to sink when he took his eyes of Christ, should have known.

We diminish our chosen, seen, and valued status when we take our eyes off of Christ. Peter more than likely found it hard to receive the news of his future and turned to comparison for comfort. Would the other disciple Jesus loved so much have a similar fate?

Jesus immediately redirected Peter with, “What is that to you?”

Whether we look at others and compare our physical makeup, economic standing, and abilities, these comparisons sink our identity.

“But what about them?” we wonder. Taking our eyes off Christ, we tell ourselves that while we are valuable to God, we must not be valued as much as that one is. We convince ourselves that God has status and categories within His kingdom. 

Jesus’ response to Peter is simple: We are not to be concerned with or look to others’ journeys for answers. We need to stay focused on Jesus. Follow Him. Jesus will tell us who we are and remind us that our purpose is not of any less value or more value than that of our sisters or brothers in the family of God.

Who are you – Really?

In God’s eyes, you are chosen, seen, and valued. Will you seek His guidance to find your true identity, or will you get lost in the sea of overwhelming choices surrounding you? 

I pray the eyes of your heart stay focused on the voice of Truth. That you will listen only to His Voice and allow the truth of your value to permeate your being. May God give you a sign to remember, like the simplicity of the sparrow to remind you of your worth, and may you live out your worth all the days of your life. So be it, in Jesus’ name. 

Meditate: I am valuable.

Reflect: What pulls you away from the truth of your worth in God’s eyes? How can you keep more focused on who God says you are? Ask God to give you a sign to remember your worth. Ask Him to help you remember and to live out your value all the days of your life.

Deeper: (As you read through these additional verses, ask the Spirit to give you wisdom, and teach you more about how He you can believe and respond to who God says you are.) Scripture John 21; John 10: 3-5; 2 Corinthians 5:17  


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(Bible References: NLT – New Living Translation)

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