“Once you were..but now you are.”
What happens when we choose better?
When we choose to sit at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to teach us, we will be transformed. In this week’s true story episode, we talked with Alice Shiflett. She shared about her journey with choosing better.
Reflections on the True Story
of Alice Shiftlett
Alice had been coasting for many years with her relationship with Christ until she was prompted by a sermon to make small changes. She said,
“When I started thinking about my life, I felt like I had built a life that prioritized my preferences and comfort. I prioritized many other things, but my discipleship and relationship with the Lord weren’t one of them. I started taking small steps of obedience, such as reading my Bible a few times a week. Then, I started replacing things I listened to with sermons or Christian podcasts. Eventually, I felt a hunger start to grow in me.”
Small changes led to more significant changes that led her out of her comfort zone. As an introvert, she wrestled with God over His leading her to expand her growth beyond personal time with Him to include others. She joined a women’s Bible study, and with each step of obedience, another seemed to follow.
Alice found herself doing things she never dreamed of, much of which she deemed impossible as an introvert who preferred small groups of people she knew.
Signing up for a mission trip was a significant step in her learning to choose better. Although she had felt drawn to go for years, she continued to talk herself out of it with messages like, “There are others who are more equipped,” “I don’t know God’s Word well enough,” or “What do I have to offer?”
“The biggest things I wrestle with when choosing better are leaving my places of comfort and resisting believing the lies that keep me from pursuing what God has for me.”
Despite the struggles, Alice continues to lean into choosing better.
Sitting. Abiding. Protecting.
Alice connected to Mary’s experience with sitting at Jesus’ feet. Choosing better led her to do the uncomfortable as she allowed Jesus to teach her and grow her as His disciple. She wouldn’t change one thing about her past two years of growing and learning from Him. (Week 1, Luke 10:38-42)
Alice believes abiding is fundamental in our discipleship journey. She clung to the words “intention” and “direction” as the descriptors of what abiding needed to look like for her. She says, “Abiding is the continuous remaining in Jesus after we make that choice of dedication. This doesn’t come without real attention and oftentimes a sacrifice. We also don’t do it on our own strength.” (Week 2, John 15)
Alice believes that “protecting is something that really complements sitting and abiding. It’s hard to do either of those if we aren’t also diligent about what we let influence us or take root in our hearts.” (Week 3, Proverbs 4:20-27)
God’s Word has played a critical role in Alice’s ability to walk the journey of choosing better. She has clung to the following verses to remind her that she is not the person she once was, but she is chosen and has a purpose, and she needs to prioritize sitting in God’s presence and listening to Him.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (1 Peter 2:9-10 ESV)
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. (Psalm 84:10, NIV)
Two words—choosing better—can transform your life. We choose because we believe Jesus’ way is better. Like Alice, we need to remember not to underestimate the power behind the small steps we take. Each small step of sitting, abiding, and protecting is choosing better, taking us toward the life we have always longed for.
I pray that as you choose to sit at Jesus’ feet, abide in Him and He in you, and diligently protect your heart that you experience life beyond what you could imagine. May God strengthen you in all the places you need most so that you can continue to step toward His better for you. So be it, in Jesus’ name.
Meditate: Jesus is better.
Reflect: What part of choosing better do you need to most focus on – sitting, abiding, or protecting? What is one small step you can take this week that will move you in that direction? Ask God what He wants you to know about choosing better. What does He want you to do?
Deeper: (As you read through these additional verses, ask the Spirit to give you wisdom and teach you more about taking small steps in choosing better). Luke 10:38-42, 1 Peter 2: 1-12; Psalm 84
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(Bible References: ESV – English Standard Version, NIV – New International Version)
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