Proactive: Living Fearless Series, Part 2/5

“I will remain confident…”

Did you know we live from a place of victory, not defeat?

Somehow, though, fear begins to speak. “This is too hard. I can’t do this. What was I thinking? Things will never change. This will surely fail.”

Truth speaks back. “With God, all things are possible. God will show me the way. I will cast my fears on God, and He will help me. He cares for me. I will trust in Him, for He is faithful.”

Faith and fear fight.

One day, faith drives; another day, fear takes the wheel. Some days, faith and fear argue like siblings about who is in charge and what to do next. Their constant switching around leaves us exhausted.

The tension between faith and fear is not just a concept; it’s a reality I grapple with daily. 

There are days when fear seems to win, melting me into a puddle of tears. The salty pool leaves me feeling overwhelmed, drained, and discouraged.

I was not surprised when the Spirit led me to adopt the word fearless as a focus this year. The very thought of focusing on living without fear terrified me. The irony! 

We learned last week that fear and love can co-exist, but we do not have a free pass that diverts us around fear. 

What do we do when fear tries to drive us?

Psalm 27 inspires us to confront fear with readiness when feelings of terror threaten to overwhelm us.


The Lord is my light and my salvation — so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.

Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident. Psalm 27:1-3, NLT, 

Rehearse the truth about God.

In verse 1, David, the author of Psalm 27, rehearsed the truth about God. Because God is who He says He is, David reminded himself that there was no reason to be afraid or to allow his fears to shake him up.

  • The Lord is my light. He will give me direction in my darkest hour. 
  • The Lord is my salvation. He will come through for me and be my lifeline.
  • The Lord is my fortress. He will be like a towering, impenetrable wall of protection around me.

Remembering the truth about God is a powerful fear precursor because we are fortifying our faith. A more durable faith will lead us to lock fear in the trunk.

Reframe your fear.

In verse 2, David played the proverbial “what if” game and chose to view the outcome from God’s perspective. When his enemies came after him, he believed his enemies would fall, not himself.

Fear is the picture, and we choose the frame. Consider the power of turning fear into reality and then imagine the potential where God is part of the outcome.

Resolute now how you will respond later. 

In verse three, David shifts in verse one from questioning himself, “Why should I be afraid?” to declaring how he would respond given the worst-case scenario.

Even if a whole army surrounds me, I will not be afraid; even if enemies attack me, I will still trust in God. (Psalm 27: 3, GNT)

How often do we move through life with an eccentric faith that we hope will kick in when we need it most?

Fearless does not mean reckless.

Being prepared for how to respond the next time fear attempts to take the wheel is a loving act of kindness towards ourselves. A proactive plan equips us to stand firm against fear’s attempt to sit in the driver’s seat. 

Fear is a part of our lives, but as followers of Christ, the Perfect Love of Christ dwells within us, which is the driving force for living with less fear. Taking a step back and reconsidering the fear we are facing from a state of triumph will lead us to trust God, Who will guide us each step of the way. 

I pray you will put on the brakes, slow down, and address your fears with the truth. May your veins surge with renewed power to resist fear as you walk in the Spirit and take the next steps of faith. In Jesus’ name, so be it.

Meditate: God is (fill in the blank).

Reflect: What are your current fears? What truth about God speaks to that concern? How can you meditate on the truth of who God is more? What do the fear outcomes look like when you include God? What are a few truth declarations you can tell yourself on how you will respond when you come face to face with your fears?

Deeper: (As you read through these additional verses, ask the Spirit to give you wisdom, and teach you more about how you can be more prepared to fight your fears) Psalm 77; Romans 8:5-11; Hebrews 11:1-2, 6 


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(Bible References: NLT – New Living Translation, ISV – Internation Standard Version,  GNT – Good News Translation)

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