Freedom Calls 

“Walk in freedom.”

Who doesn’t want freedom?

Freedom to go wherever, do whatever, be whomever we choose.

From World Wars to family disputes, there is not much to be investigated regarding the why of most conflicts. There is a disagreement based on someone’s inability to live on their terms.

What does freedom in God’s kingdom look like?

God’s way is packed with dichotomies like one must be poor to be rich, the last shall be first, and a king born in a barn. Freedom in God’s economy is no different. While God’s freedom is abundant, our freedom comes through dichotomies like to live, we must die, and to save our life, we must lose it. 

Ultimately, our freedom to live was bought through the price of Christ’s death on the cross. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” ( 2 Corinthians 5:21, NIV).

Our freedom comes through Christ.

But to continue to walk in freedom, we need to lean into, become available to, and follow in obedience to God’s Word. David understood the connection between his freedom and God’s Word.

“I will walk in freedom,
for I have devoted myself
to your commandments.”

(Psalm 119:45, NLT)

The dichotomy is our devotion to obeying God’s law, which, in turn, produces our freedom. Other translations paint a picture of our freedom with different words.

  • “I shall walk in a wide place.” ESV
  • “I will walk at liberty.”  NASB
  • “I will walk freely in an open place.” HCSB
  • “I will live in perfect freedom.” GNT

These wide open spaces where we can freely run and experience fully all God has designed us to be, are connected to a desire to follow God’s Word.

  • “For I have sought your precepts.” ESV
  • “I have devoted myself to your commandments.” NLT
  • “For I seek and deeply long for Your precepts.” AMP
  • “Because I try to obey your teachings.” GNT

Many have a constrictive view of God that His Word will somehow hold us back from living on our terms. The mystery, the risk, the step of faith on our part is that God’s way is better. When we surrender to His will, we must believe that what may feel like a tight corridor transforms into wide open spaces.

This irony is like the story of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis, when the children reluctantly cram into Lucy’s magical wardrobe to hide and stumble into an entirely different world called Narnia.

The freedom obedience brings is astounding. 

To run, explore, and emerge into all God has created us to be. We find ourselves discovering opportunities, ideas, and possibilities beyond our imagination.

“I have gained perfect freedom
by following your teachings.”
(Psalm 119:45, CEV)

Who doesn’t want perfect freedom?

Perfect freedom stems from pursuing, surrendering, and obeying God’s Word. Let’s attempt to pursue God’s Word with all our hearts and see where it takes us. 

I pray your belief that God’s way is better grows, and your belief that His way leads to freedom – freedom like nothing you’ve ever imagined. May you pursue His Word like your freedom depended on it and experience all God has for you. In Jesus’ name, so be it.

Meditate: God’s Word leads to freedom.

Reflect: What does freedom look like for you? How can God’s Word bring freedom? How can you foster a fancy for God’s Word?

Deeper: (As you read these additional verses, ask the Spirit to give you wisdom and teach you more about how God’s Word keeps us on the path to freedom.) Psalm 119:41-88, Jeremiah 7:23, John 8:31-36

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(Bible References: NLT – New Living Translation, ESV – English Standard Version, NASB – New American Standard Bible, CEV – Contemporary English Version, NIV – New International Version, AMP – Amplified Version, HCSB – Holman Christian Standard Bible, GNT – Good News Translation,)

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#FreedomCall #christianitytoday

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