Being Revived

“My only hope.”

Have you ever been in a situation where your only hope depended on someone else keeping their word?

A promise is made, and your outcome hangs in the balance.

Terrifying is what comes to mind—feelings of being out of control rush in while we wait. Anxiousness wants to join in and complete the emotional limbo. 

What if the person has been found trustworthy, reliable, and consistent? Will we stress over the situation as much?

We might ease the anticipation with occasional check-ins, but there is reassurance in knowing the person has come through previously. Transfer that person to be the Creator of the Universe, and we may question whether “checking in” would be seen as disrespectful or a lack of faith.

The psalmist didn’t seem to struggle with addressing God and even reminding Him about what He had promised.

“Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.” (Psalm 119:49-50, NLT)

Most translations use the word remember, but the CEV puts it this way, “Don’t forget your promise to me, your servant. I depend on it.” (Verse 49)

Would God forget His promises?

What may seem like a plea for an unreliable source to come through is quite the opposite. 

The psalmist has an extraordinary amount of faith. The calling on God to remember all He has committed to provide, protect, and pardon is more of a declaration out of desperation. 

Trouble is present, and the psalmist needs to be reminded to reinforce out loud the hope he had in God to come through. Verse 48 may seem to echo uncertainty, but verse 50 clarifies the tone.

“This is my comfort in my misery, That Your word has revived me.” (Verse 50, NASB)

“When I am hurting, I find comfort in your promise that leads to life.” (Verse 50, CEV)

“This is what comforts me in my troubles: that what you say revives me.” (Verse 50, ISV)

The psalmist believes that God will keep His promises, and what God says brings comfort and revives his soul. The Hebrew word for revive is “haya.” The definition is life-giving and means to restore, cause to grow. The word expresses movement from sickness, discouragement, faintness, and even death to being revived and quickened. 

Recall the story of the dry bones in the book of Ezekiel? So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army” (Ezekiel 37:10, NIV). The bolded words translate the same Hebrew word, “haya.” God’s word breathes life into our weary bones.

Remember the word [you gave] me. Through it, you gave me hope. This is my comfort in my misery: Your promise gave me a new life. (Psalm 119:49-50, GWT)

We need to talk to God about His promises that apply to our stressful situations as a part of a process to restore our hope, revive our souls, and reset our focus. 

I pray you turn to God’s Word in times of trouble and pray God’s promises back to Him. May His truths remind you of His faithfulness, and in the process, you receive His comfort where your inner being is renewed with overwhelming hope. In Jesus’ name, so be it.

Meditate: God’s Word breathes life.

Reflect: Where do you turn for comfort? Can you recall when God’s Word was timely to your situation? What are some promises of God you can fall back on to pray in times of need?

Deeper: (As you read through these additional verses, ask the Spirit to give you wisdom and teach you more about how God’s Word is restorative.) Psalm 119: 49-50; Proverbs 3: 5-8 (ESV); Romans 15:4


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(Bible References: NLT – New Living Translation, GWT – God’s Word Translation, NASB – New American Standard Bible, CEV – Contemporary English Version, NIV – New International Version, ISV – International Standard Version)

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