“Nail It” With Nehemiah, Part 6/6

“Then I perceived.”

What if the enemy was unknowingly invited in through the backdoor?

For many people, the back door is used by family and closest friends. Those who use the backdoor have a key or know where the extra one is hidden. When they drop by, they enter with a knock and an announcement, “It’s me!”  

When the enemy comes at us through accusing, condemning, and doubting voices covered in part three of the “Nail It” With Nehemiah series, the enemy’s voice is intrusive and blatant.

But what happens when the enemy comes at us through a co-worker, friend, or family member? 

In the case of when the enemy slips in through the backdoor, we will need another tool that Nehemiah modeled for us. In “Nail It” With Nehemiah, part four, we covered the role prayer played in Nehemiah’s leadership, decision-making, recognizing the enemy’s voice, and his ability to respond to the enemy masterfully. Another thread woven into the power of prayer is the thread referred to in Christian circles as spiritual discernment. 

Spiritual discernment is a
more profound knowing, understanding, and ability
to judge a situation beyond our capabilities.

While some are gifted with this ability, we can tap into divine discernment like Nehemiah through a continual conversation with God. 

A continual reliance on God through prayer created a well of wisdom Nehemiah could draw from, which built his confidence and finesse to refute each time the enemy attacked. Nehemiah exhibited incredible discernment in chapter six when his character, life, and calling all come under fire through a front door attack. 

“I replied, “There is no truth in any part of your story. You are making up the whole thing.” They were just trying to intimidate us, imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work. So I continued the work with even greater determination.” (Nehemiah 6:8-9, NLT)

The enemy’s attempts to throw Nehemiah off did not work, and they slyly attempted a backdoor method. Later in chapter six, Nehemiah described a visit with a friend and prophet who tried to deceive Nehemiah into hiding in the temple of God for the threats of the enemy were imminent, “for they are coming to kill you; indeed, tonight they are coming to kill you” (Nehemiah 6:11, NRSV).

“Then I perceived and saw that God had not sent him at all” (Nehemiah 6:12,” NRSV). How did Nehemiah deem this trusted messenger of God untrustworthy and know that the enemy had instead hired the prophet?

Spiritual discernment.

The enemy attempted to attack again through other prophets (Nehemiah 6:14), but Nehemiah continued to recognize the difference between what was indeed from God and what was not. 

Backdoor or front door, we are not to believe everything we hear, “but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4: 1, NRSV).

We need to “trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart, And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]” (Proverbs 3:5-6, AMP).

When we are connected to God throughout our day, listening and looking, paying attention, the Holy Spirit will empower us to distinguish the truth over falsehood, even when the falsehood walks through our back door. 

I pray you grow in the practice of God’s presence in your life, and your ability to attune to Him throughout the day. May the Spirit give you wisdom and discernment for the big and small in your life, and may your eyes be opened to the fruit His discernment brings. In Jesus’ name, so be it.

Meditate: Let me see you today, God.

Reflect: How well do you practice the presence of God in your daily life? How can you become more attuned to His presence and listen for His discernment? Can you celebrate a time in your life when God’s wisdom and discernment played a role?

Deeper: (As you read through these additional verses, ask the Spirit to give you wisdom, and teach you more about God’s discernment in your life.) Nehemiah 6:1-19; James 3:13-18, Ephesians 5:6-10, Matthew 7:24


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(Bible References: NRSV – New Revised Standard, NLT – New Living Translation, AMP – Amplified Version)

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#NailedIt #Nehemiah

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