Standing Strong

The Lord will help you understand…”

What do a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer have in common?

This question sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. Paul was not telling a joke when he wrote his second letter to Timothy and used an analogy, including a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer.

How can a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer help us?

Two times a year, we feel we are given a reset. In January, the New Year begs us to start fresh after maneuvering through the holidays and leaving the previous year behind. In August, we have navigated many disruptions from summer and tend to face the Fall with either blurred vision or a hard-stop focus to make a few changes.

How can we transition from summer to fall, keep momentum, and stay strong?

“No one serving in the army gets entangled in everyday affairs; the soldier’s aim is to please the enlisting officer. And in the case of an athlete, no one is crowned without competing according to the rules. It is the farmer who does the work who ought to have the first share of the crops. Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things.” 2 Timothy 2:4-7 NRSV

Paul was encouraging Timothy to stand firm in his faith and his calling. Paul gave Timothy the analogy of the soldier, athlete, and farmer to help him better recognize how to maintain his stamina for the journey ahead. Likewise, we can step into each role and learn ways to be strengthened.

Inside the Mind of a Soldier

Unlike the autonomy of an athlete or a farmer, the soldier is not in charge and takes orders from an officer. A good soldier will receive, and complete instructions avoiding all distractions knowing execution could impact the lives of others.

A soldier does not act alone and is prepared for multiple scenarios. A soldier acknowledges that while the mission’s goal is resolute, the desired outcome is never guaranteed.

Inside the Mind of an Athlete

While athletes may work on a team and with a coach, they experience more independence than soldiers. The athlete has a competitive spirit that drives their discipline and determination to complete the race, win the game, or be the best.

A good athlete understands the value of a team working together to execute well the strategy, and that playing by the rules is necessary to stay in the game. An athlete recognizes what is done off the court is as important as what is done on the court.

Inside the Mind of a Farmer

Typically, a farmer experiences the most self-governance of the three when self-employed. The farmer realizes the tension between what is inside and outside their control and strives to know the best methods to produce an exceptional harvest.

A farmer pays attention to the weather and seasons and gives sections of ground rest each year. The farmer is the first to enjoy the fruit of their labor, and on a bountiful year, a farmer will store up for times of famine or drought.

Standing Strong
Lessons from a Soldier, an Athlete, and a Farmer

  • Each is prepared. They study the enemy, stay in shape, and know the latest techniques.
  • Each is disciplined. They are willing to wake up every day and do what it takes today to complete their mission, competition, or harvest.
  • Each is focused on what is needed. Their commitment steers their choices for time and energy.
  • Each is determined despite the element of uncertainty. The uncertainty does not sway them, but they diligently push forward.

Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things.” 2 Timothy 2:47 NRSV

After the example of the soldier, athlete, and farmer, Paul encourages Timothy to think about scenarios and to ask God to give him wisdom on how Timothy can persevere.

As we look ahead to the second half of our year, we can also benefit from praying through the lessons from Paul’s analogy, take action where action is needed, and trust God to empower us to stand strong.

I pray as you look to what lies ahead of you that, you take the pieces of the soldier, athlete, and farmer that speak to you and allow God to work them out in you. That you would ask God to grow you and strengthen you to persevere, push through, and purpose with your heart to keep going with renewed enthusiasm. May God bless your efforts, and may you sense the strength He gives you as you stand strong. So be it, in Jesus’ name.

Meditate: God gives me understanding.

Reflect:  Are you facing anything that feels overwhelming or difficult? What would you add to any of the lists about the soldier, athlete, and farmer? What areas do you connect with on the lists? Pray and ask God to give you more understanding of how today’s verses apply to your life. Is there anything you feel God is prompting you to do?

Deeper: 2 Timothy 2:1-10; Hebrews 10:32-36; Psalm 34: 17-19

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(Bible References: NRSV – New Revised Standard Version)

#Hope #Bible #christianity
#StandingStrong #2Timothy2
#christianitytoday #soldier #athlete #farmer

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