The Never-Ending Gift

“Open my eyes…”

Remember the excitement of receiving an unexpected gift and the anticipation of opening the present to discover whatever could it be?

My beach bestie’s love language is gifts. There need be no occasion for her to pull a surprise present out of her beach bag for me. I am always excited because I know by now she has seen something or made something that reminds her of me. The gift rarely costs much but is rich with care and consideration.

Like opening an unforeseen gift, David’s enthusiasm for the Scriptures is expressed in Psalm 119:18.

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” (Psalm 119:18, NIV)

The prayer of David’s heart asked God to help him discover “wonderful things” from God’s instructions. The Hebrew word pala, pronounced paw-law, needs more than one English word to translate its delightful definition. Some descriptors for pala are great, hidden, marvelous, things too high, miracles, and wonderous.[i]

David looked at the scriptures as a gift to be unwrapped. He read God’s Word with expectation and curiosity. What marvelous discovery, revelation, or inspiring encouragement would he gain this time?

Have you ever thought the Bible was boring or unapplicable to your life? Perhaps you have grown up in the church and have heard all the stories a million times, and there is nothing new to learn?

The request David makes in verse 18 is perfect for these scenarios as well as for the avid student of God’s Word. “Open my eyes [to spiritual truth] so that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law” (Psalm 119:18, AMP). By asking God for help, we, like David, can also uncover spiritual truths that will disclose the wonderful things of the Bible, we surely would have missed on our own.

The intention of David’s heart for this request is revealed in one word “behold.” The Hebrew word nabat, pronounced naw-bat, implies respect, to look intently at, regard with pleasure. David is not seeking more knowledge for selfish gain, but out of an awe and admiration for the Word of God. He has learned the value of God’s Word and how the scriptures impact his life.[ii]

The prophet Jeremiah tells us that God instructs us to “call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” (Jeremiah 33:3, ESV). Jesus taught in the parable of the lamp, “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open” (Luke 8:17, NIV).

God’s Word is a gift to be treasured, and David does not want to miss one nugget the scriptures can offer. His humble prayer for eyes opened to the worth of all the Bible can offer is also our key to unlocking these “wonderful things.” “Wonderful things” offer us a never-ending gift filling our lives with hope, encouragement, wisdom, discernment, strength, and much more.

“Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.” (Romans 15:4, NLT)

If a fresh perspective is needed in your next return to God’s Word, a prayer for opened eyes is an excellent place to begin.

I pray you never look at the Bible the same again. Each time you pick God’s Word up and read it, there will be new anticipation of how God will use His Words to speak to your life. May God answer your prayer to open your eyes so that you may see wonderful things in His Word. So be it, in Jesus’ name.

Meditate: Your Word has wonderful things for me

Reflect:  Have you become too casual with God’s Word and what His Word offers you? When was the last time you engaged God’s Word and saw a familiar verse in an entirely different way? Take some time to think through and pray David’s prayer.

Deeper: Psalm 119: 17-24; Jeremiah 33:1-3; Luke 8:16-21

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(Bible References: ESV – English Standard Version, NIV – New International Version, AMP – Amplified Version)

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#SummersinPsalm119series #Psalm119
#GodsWord #openmyeyes

[i] H6381 – pālā’ – Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from

[ii] “H5027 – nāḇaṭ – Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (kjv).” Blue Letter Bible. Web. 18 Jun, 2023. <>.

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