Fight Like A Girl – Part 3 of 4

“Together they shall be like warriors…

Is God not enough?

In my struggle with depression, when I had utilized the first two battle techniques, The Ask and Acceptance, the prayer for help, and the ability to see the truth blew open my doors of isolation. I was willing to step out of my quarantine mentality of self-preservation and self-sufficiency and build an army.

Depression, like many battles, causes us to pull in, hunker down, and attempt to figure things out on our own. James tells us, “Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves” (James 1:22, NLT). We can easily convince ourselves we have things under control; after all, we are still going to church, reading our bible, and praying.

James’ warning is one against complacency that manifests in the messages we tell ourselves that, “everything is okay,” or  “I’ve got this.” When everything around us tells us differently. We sense we are “deceiving ourselves,” as some versions translate James 1:22, but we choose not to pay attention.

The power of the first two battle tactics is how they position us for victory. Prayers for help and the truth from acceptance are like pulling up the binoculars and considering for the first time what the naked eye cannot see. How this worked for me, was first discussing my admittance of depression with my husband. He, then, wisely encouraged me to seek professional help, which I did. Including one person broke my isolation, opening me up to build an army.

Is God enough?

Yes, God is enough, but acceptance listens to wisdom, and God’s wisdom tells us we were not meant to do our battles alone. This concept of bringing others in on a fight that is not theirs may be difficult for certain generations, upbringings, or for our pride to embrace, but it is a biblical truth we need to embody.

With our third battle technique, we learn the value of associating over isolating.


The Bible is clear from the beginning it is not good to be alone. (Genesis 2:18) Throughout the Bible, the significance of community is reinforced, especially the role community plays when an individual is facing a battle.

  • A friend is there to help, in any situation, and relatives are born to share our troubles.” Proverbs 17:17, CEV
  • “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17, NIV
  • “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do…” Esther 4:16, NIV
  • “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.” Romans 12:16, NIV
  • “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2, NLT
  • “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed…” James 5:16, ESV

In the story of Nehemiah, an ordinary Jewish man in exile was troubled by the news he heard of Jerusalem. He gained favor with the King and was granted permission to go back and restore the broken-down city of Jerusalem. Upon his return, the first act of business was to assemble the Jewish people to work together in rebuilding the city’s outer wall.

Individual by individual, family by family, they stood by each other and worked together to do what no one person alone could do. “Next to them…Next to them…Next to them… Next to him Shallum the son of Hallohesh, ruler of half the district of Jerusalem, repaired, he and his daughters” (All of Nehemiah 3, 3:12, ESV).

Why associate?

“Associate” is the third battle tactic in our “Fight Like a Girl” series, because God requires us to associate with others to ensure the victory He will grant. This series is focused on Zechariah chapter 10, and these verses echo the truth that we are better together. Let’s review some of the verses we have already covered in part 2 of this series, but this time we will read them through the lens of community.

  • “For the LORD of Heaven’s Armies has arrived to look after Judah, His flock. He will make them strong and glorious…” (Verse 3, NLT)
  • Together they shall be like warriors… They shall fight, for the LORD is with them….” (Verse 5, NRSV)
  • Israel will be like a tribe of warriors…” (Verse 7, CEV)
  • They shall pass through the sea of distress….” (Verse 11, NLT)
  • “I will make them strong in the LORD, and they shall walk in his name,” declares the LORD.” (Verse 12, ESV)

The underlined terms in the above verses highlight the emphasis on community. Associate means to connect (someone or something) with someone or something else. This connection is a joining together and can be realized in one’s mind or through a partnership with an individual or organization. Associate is the third battle tactic because we must make a choice with each battle.

Will we associate or isolate?

Armored with the first two battle tactics, Asking God for help and Accepting the truth of our situation, our third tactic, Associate, increases our arsenal with others who will come alongside us as we fight. For me, my army included my husband, a Christian counselor, a psychiatrist, and a regular physician. It also included a few family members and other Christian girlfriends who could encourage me on my journey through prayer and accountability.

We are stronger together.

I pray that as God strengthens you, you reject isolation and wisely associate with those whom God leads to be part of your army. May you see the wisdom in having community and experience the power of banding together for one another. With soldiers locked in beside you, may you feel the weight of the battle lifted. So be it, in Jesus’ name.

Meditate: God makes me stronger with others

Reflect:  Do I tend to isolate or associate? If my tendency is to isolate, where does that come from? Whether you are in a battle now or not, is there anything you can do to build a Christian community? How has God used others for you in the past?

Rooted:  Zechariah 10; Matthew 18:19-20; Romans 12:3-5; Numbers 27:1-8

FIGHT LIKE A GIRL – Behind the Title. This is a four-part series based on Zechariah 10. These verses played a significant role in my fight against depression. I share with you the lessons or fighting tactics learned in the blog. In the corresponding podcast, Amy and I will talk about a woman in the Bible who utilized the same tactic. Then, a bonus corresponding podcast episode will be released each week where Amy and I talk with a guest woman who shares their story and how the fighting tactic of the week was beneficial in her life.

For further encouragement, listen to the PODCAST on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google, IHeartRadio, and Podbean. Search God’s Word Gives Hope. LISTEN NOW

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JSC Life & Leadership Coaching – I believe God has created each of us to thrive. Where are you not thriving? Work? Home? Life? Let me coach you. Contact me to schedule a consultation, and let’s get you moving forward. Contact Janae

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(Bible References: NRSV – New Revised Standard Version, NLT – New Living Translation, ESV – English Standard Version, CEV – Contemporary English Version, NIV – New International Version)

#Hope #Rooted #associate
#FightLikeAGirlpart3 #Zechariah10
#bettertogether #community #sisters
#createdtothrive #runtowin

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