Fight Like A Girl – Part 1 of 4

“Ask the LORD…”

Have you ever had a question for someone, and you send the request in a text message, an email, or a voicemail, only to never receive a response?

Maybe they saw the message, needed time to think about it, and in their mind, they intended to get back to you. Perhaps they were overwhelmed, disorganized, or a primary “talk-in-person” communicator. The result is the same regardless of the motive behind the lack of response. We are left dangling, wondering, frustrated, and possibly worried, but without an answer.

When we are desperate for help, the last thing we need is a friend or family member who doesn’t respond promptly to our 911 message. But some of us are not the type to reach out.

Are you the strong independent person who has determined from the beginning of the 911 emergency that you don’t need anyone? You may not feel strong, but you don’t want to bother anyone. Either way, we disregard reaching out.

Despite where we fall on the spectrum of eagerness to solicit support, asking for help can be challenging.

What if we knew the person we would contact had unlimited resources, had the expertise, and always promised to respond? (See For You)

We would still need to be willing to ask.

Our self-sufficiency leads us blindly, and too often, we wake up one day asking ourselves, “How did we get here?” We are weary from being in a battle.

When I was at the bottom of a dark, musty cave battling depression, my head was down and blinders on. I was self-determined to climb, crawl, or claw my way out.

My watershed moment happened while on the recovery bed from Covid. When I looked up from the bottom of the pit, I realized more was going on with my health than Covid, and all my hard work and self-sufficiency had only dug me deeper.


“God, I can’t do this; help me,” I cried.

As God responded to my cry for help in the months ahead, I made another request, “God, make me a fighter.” I knew I would need to contest the multiple facets that come along with depression.

One of the first biblically related resources God led me to was Zechariah chapter 10. I read it, reread it, studied, meditated, and wrote out a personalized version of it. The messages from Zechariah 10 became a source of hope for victory and a resource of tactics for the battles ahead.

The first battle tactic is the willingness to ask God for help.

“Ask the LORD for rain in the spring, for he makes the storm clouds. And he will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture” (Zechariah 10:1, NLT).

After studying the verse by reading 29 different translations, one thing stood out. They each begin verse one with the word “ask.” The other three began with “They asked.”

The change in our situation, the shift in our thinking, and any help we seek, begins with “The Ask.” Capital letters are intentional here to accent who we approach first for assistance. We ask the LORD, Yahweh, the Self-Existent One. In Isaiah 51:15, God refers to himself as, “My name is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.” (NLT)

After “The Ask” in Zechariah verse one, verse three tells us, “For the LORD of Heavens has arrived to look after Judah, his flock.” We have direct access to the Commander and Chief of Heaven’s Armies. While mind-blowing, God’s grace affords us the privilege of asking Him. (Hebrews 4:16)

Zechariah 10 begins with “The Ask,” and in verse six, The LORD of Heaven’s armies promises to respond, “…. for I am the LORD their God and I will answer them.” (NRSV)

Our Commander and Chief not only grants us direct access to Him, but He also promises to be with us, “Since the Lord is with them…” (Zechariah 10:5).

With our ask, we invoke the presence of the LORD, and with His presence, we see several results. Zechariah chapter 10 gives examples of what happens when we ask God for reinforcement in our battle.

  • God will provide us with what is needed. (Verse 1)
  • God will give us strength. (Verse 3, 6)
  • God will make us like mighty warriors. (Verses 5, 7)
  • God will be with us as we fight. (Verse 5)
  • God will restore us. (Verse 6)
  • God will hear our prayers. (Verse 6)
  • God will resettle us. (Verse10)
  • God will lead us safely through our sea of distress. (Verse 11)

The most concrete action we can take when we are about to go to battle or wake up to the fact we are already in one, is to ask God for help.

I pray that whatever is blocking you from asking the LORD of Heaven’s Armies for His help will dissolve. I pray you boldly go to God for all that you need. May your eyes be opened to where He is at work and receive the strength He desires to pour out on you. May you step into the shoes of the mighty warrior God is making you to be, and may you taste the sweetness of victory. So be it, in Jesus’ name.

Meditate: God, help me

Reflect: What is holding you back from asking for help? If you have asked God for help, how are you leaning in, waiting, and anticipating in faith His actions? Do you feel God is making you a mighty warrior? (See Zec. 10:5,7) What are your current battles? Are you asking God for help?

Rooted:  Zechariah 10; Psalm 57; John 15: 5-8; Esther

FIGHT LIKE A GIRL – Behind the Title. This four-part series is based on Zechariah 10. These verses played a significant role in my fight against depression. I share with you the lessons or fighting tactics learned in the blog. In the corresponding podcast, Amy and I will talk about a woman in the Bible who utilized the same tactic. Then, a bonus corresponding podcast episode will be released each week where Amy and I talk with a guest woman who shares their story and how the fighting tactic of the week was beneficial in her life

For further encouragement, listen to the PODCAST on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google, IHeartRadio, and Podbean. Search God’s Word Gives Hope. LISTEN NOW

PODCAST References for the corresponding episode: The book of Esther

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JSC Life & Leadership Coaching – I believe God has created each of us to thrive. Where are you not thriving? Work? Home? Life? Let me coach you. Contact me to schedule a consultation, and let’s get you moving forward. Contact Janae

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(Bible References: NRSV – New Revised Standard Version, NLT – New Living Translation)

#Hope #Rooted #FightLikeAGirl
#TheAsk #Zechariah10
#strong #prayer #Esther
#createdtothrive #runtowin

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