Confidence Rivals Condemnation

“…if our hearts do not condemn us…”

Who do you think you are trying to launch a business? No one will hire you. Why would you start a podcast? No one will listen. Why would you bother to get a book published? No one will read it. Why would you organize a women’s event? No one will attend. You can’t do those things. You don’t have what it takes. You should have stayed at the other job!

Critical, accusing, badgering voices in our head condemning us and causing doubt. We perceive these voices sourced from outside of ourselves. Is it possible that while these voices may be traced back to people in our lives (those we believe think this way about us and those who have spoken harsh words), what if the source of our condemnation comes from within?

“Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God;” (1 John 3:21, ESV)

If our hearts do not condemn us?

The Greek word for condemn is kataginosko (kata-g-n-o’-sko) and can be translated as to take note, blame, or find fault.[1] John, the beloved disciple of Jesus and author of 1 John, places our hearts in the antagonist role. We take in all the accusations and reinforcing evidence, internalize them to a point where our mind banks them as truth, and our heart responds with judgment.

When I was launching my coaching business from part-time to full-time, I would have these overwhelming, almost debilitating moments that seemed to come out of nowhere. Each one had one common factor – accusing thoughts. They were not only critical of aspects of the business but also of all ministry options I was prayerfully considering as I looked ahead at next steps.

1 John 3:21 brought a fresh perspective to these debilitating moments.

Condemnation versus Confidence

In a standoff between condemnation versus confidence, one would think we would choose confidence every time. But in the circling current of a condemnation eddy, we are quickly pulled under the influence of negative thoughts and tempted to believe a false narrative about ourselves.

But I want to live in a space that holds confidence, not condemnation. I envision you would like to join me.

For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves. And friends, once that’s taken care of and we’re no longer accusing or condemning ourselves, we’re bold and free before God! We’re able to stretch our hands out and receive what we asked for because we’re doing what he said, doing what pleases him.” 1 John 3:20-21, MSG.

When a person is caught in the undertow of water, panic pushes the wrong kind of fight. Analyzing each detail, agonizing over choices, and assessing solutions, we fight the thoughts in our strength and if we continue, we will drown.

The protocol for surviving undertow is to do the opposite. Float. Regroup. We set our sights on the land, allowing us to swim with the current but diagonally, working our way toward the shore. We will move away from the churning vortex with eyes fixed on the solid Rock of Christ.

Safety comes when we shift our focus from the suffocating swirl and relax enough to float on the promises of God. His promises remind us of His faithfulness. Our anchor is not in the bottomless pit of condemnation but in the heights and depths of the heavens where the ascended Jesus Christ pulls us upward.

Our assurance and boldness before God is a heart covered in the blood of Christ. From that place, Christ-confidence emerges. Our sins, inabilities, and mistakes are all washed away, concealed by His blood, and transformed into wholeness, emboldened, and with certainty.

“Whenever our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts…” (1 John 3:20, NRSV).

God is greater than our spinning life-sucking condemnation that seeks to sink our souls. Resting on the truth of His greatness enables us to have, not maybe or hopefully, or eventually.

“We have confidence before God;” (1 John 3:21, ESV).

“If our heart does not condemn us,” confidence comes out on top every time. We must recognize the condemning voices and then confidence will empower us to speak the truth to ourselves.

Who do you think you are trying to launch a business? By the power and authority of Jesus’ name, who has called me to take this step. By God’s authority. (Psalm 118)

Why would you start a podcast? My God says He will direct my steps and take me down unfamiliar paths. He is faithful and is with me every step. By God’s leading. (Isaiah 42:9, 16)

You don’t have what it takes. You can’t do this. God leads me and equips me. Through Him, I can do things beyond my imagination. God can. (Psalm 18:28-33)

Confidence versus condemnation, which one will win in your life today?

I pray the truth of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and resurrection infuses your heart in explosive ways shattering all doubt, fear, and criticism. May you walk in the authority of the resurrected King and with boldness, follow every path He leads you. And may a bold confidence be the only thing swirling in your heart. So be it in Jesus’ name.

Meditate: I have the confidence of Christ.

Reflect:  What are some of the condemning messages you allow yourself to entertain? Make a list and look for what God’s word says about each one. What would that look like if you responded to your situation with the confidence of Christ? How can you make confidence your default setting versus listening to the critical voices?

Rooted:  Psalm 18, Romans 8, 1 John 3: 20-24

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[1] “G2607 – kataginōskō – Strong’s Greek Lexicon (kjv).” Blue Letter Bible. Web. 20 Sep, 2022. <>.

(Bible References: NRSV – New Revised Standard Version, ESV – English Standard Version, MSG – The Message)

#Hope #Confidence #ConfidencebeforeGod
#ConfidenceRivalsCondemnation #1John3
#bold #assurance #ChristConfidence

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