Are You A Skimmer?

“…and God’s Word gives us hope…”

Are you missing out by dismissing too quickly?

With our scrolling, disposable, deliver-the-next-day world, are we skimming over and missing out? Are we willing to slow down and dig a little deeper to look for substance that will support us throughout our day, the meeting, the test, the crisis, the dreaded interaction?

God’s Word has been a sustaining force in my most challenging times and brightest moments. The promises of God have helped me rewire destructive thought patterns, obtain wisdom, provide strength in taking one more step, and a place to find peace.

The age of technology has brought the Bible to our fingertips, accessible in various translations, yet statistics sadly show few of us tap into this ancient resource. We brush it off as irrelevant, too difficult, or insufficient time.

“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” (Romans 15:4, ESV).

The squabbling church in Rome was caught up in the cymatics of who could eat what (Romans 14). Paul obliged them to stop it and drop it. The purpose of God’s Word is not about who can do what or be used as a tool to point the finger exposing the flaws of others.

“For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, ‘The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me’” (Romans 15:3). Paul explained to the Romans how God’s law, that they were attempting to use against each other, was intended to set us free. Christ himself took on our offenses. Then Paul reminded them of the purpose of God’s Word.

“Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled” (Romans 15:4, NLT, bold added).

God’s Word is for:

  • Instruction,
  • Hope, and
  • Encouragement

So, we can patiently wait for God to fulfill what He has promised.

God’s Word is like a wise counselor, professor, doctor, friend, and coach available 24/7 without making an appointment or paying a fee. The Bible’s message of God’s redeeming, unfailing, and unconditional love is like:

  • Light on a murky night, illuminating the next step (Psalm 119: 105).
  • Guard rails on a curvy road preventing us from going off a cliff (Proverbs 4:20-27).
  • Honey, savory sweetness to our soul of God’s goodness (Psalm 119:97, 103).
  • Accountability reminding us of our value and purpose (Ephesians 1:4-5).
  • Ocean waves leading our hearts to keep a sustainable rhythm (Psalm 1:1-3).

God’s Word is alive and active, interacting with the core of our being. His Word will transform us when we allow His truths into our lives (Hebrews 4:12). But if we are too busy, too hurried, too restless, too stubborn, and feel His promises are outdated and over our heads, we will settle for scanning and miss the benefits.

Use this blog, use the Bible app on your phone, or use the tool that best works for you if it will help you get into the His Truth regularly. Trust me; the Bible is not a place you want to practice skimming.

Like the fresh manna from heaven God gave the Hebrew people in the wilderness, He has a new word for you daily. The Word of God has sustaining power to anchor you throughout our coming and going.

God’s Word is worthy of your time to read, think about, and dig deeper so that the depth of your soul is encouraged, your heart beats hope, and your mind muscles are strengthened for whatever life brings.

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” So be it in Jesus’ name. (Romans 15:13, NLT)

Meditate: God’s Word gives me hope

Reflect:  Are you a skimmer when it comes to God’s Word? Why or Why not? How much time am I currently spending in God’s Word? Could I spend more? What would spending more time look like? What keeps me from spending time in God’s word? What is one thing I can do that will help me spend more time in God’s Word?

Rooted:  Psalm 19: 7-14; Romans 15:1-13; Read through Psalm 119 and write down every benefit connected to God’s Word, which is also referred to as His law, decrees, commandments, precepts, statutes, promises, and ordinances. (If you need to break it down into smaller bite sizes/22 different readings try Psalm 119:1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-72, 73-80, 81-88, 89-96, 97-104, 105-112, 113-120, 121-128, 129-136, 137-144, 145-152, 153-160, 161-168, 169-176)

Receive Hope Every Week with Janae’s Thrive Newsletter, blog link included – Subscribe here

JSC Life & Leadership Coaching – I believe God has created each of us to thrive. Where are you not thriving? Work? Home? Life? Let me coach you. Contact me to schedule an online or phone call consultation and let’s get you moving forward.  Contact Janae.

Listen to the PODCAST for more information on the focal verse.

Did you know you can follow God’s Word Gives Hope on Facebook and Instagram?

(Bible References: ESV – English Standard Version, NLT – New Living Translation)

#Hope #Rooted #notaskimmer
#WhereHopeComesFrom #Romans15
#createdtothrive #encouragement

1 Comment

  1. Janae, your insight always enlightens me. Thank you for your dedication and for using your gifts as God himself intended. You are a treasure 😘💜

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