I Will Cease Striving

I will cease striving…

After I finish all my shopping and decorating.
After I have completed all the projects and exams.
After I get past all the concerts and school activities.
After I have baked and wrapped and attended all the parties.

I will cease striving…

After the packages have been opened.
After the dishes are done from Christmas dinner.
After the company has gone home.
After the festivities have slowed down.

I will cease striving…

Before I get out of the car.
Before I wrap a package.
Before the company arrives.
Before the holidays come and go.

I will cease striving…

With a few deep breaths.
Pause in gratitude for Your Love.
And know that you are God.

I will cease striving…

And speak to my soul.
You have come.
You have saved me.
You are God.
You are with me. 

“Be still, and know that I am God…The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.” Psalm 46 10, 11, NLT

Meditation: God, You are with me.

Reflect: What are ways you can intentionally be still this season? What can you let go of in order to be more focused on God and His gift of Jesus? What are you thankful for at this moment? How do you need God to be a fortress around you?

Deeper: Psalm 46; Isaiah 40: 28-31; Acts 17:24-28

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(Bible References:  NLT – New Living Translation)

#PictPosts #Cease #Stop #IWillCeaseStriving
#Psalm 46 #hope #bestill

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