Not To Us

“We don’t deserve the praise! The LORD alone deserves all of the praise..” (Psalm 115: 1, CEV)

It is our default, it seems, to go first to self-promoting thoughts rather than God promoting praise.

It is a decision to catch our natural tendencies to think about ourselves first and redirect those thoughts to the true source of our strength and power and courage.

It is the LORD alone who deserves our praise and all the credit for it is in the power of His name we pray and ask and receive. 

Because of His…

…Mercy and Truth,
…Constant Love and Faithfulness,
…Grace and Kindness.

But, people say, “Where is their God?” It feels He has abandoned us!

But we choose to trust even when it hurts.

But as for us, we will praise the LORD both now and forever!

“Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” – Psalm 115:1, NIV

Meditation: “You, Jesus, deserve the praise.”

Reflect: What is holding you back from being grateful? How can you move more towards trust amidst your pain? What is one thing you can be thankful for? Anything else? 

Digging Deeper: Psalm 115, 1 Chronicle 29:10-17, Daniel 3:16-18

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(Bible References:  NIV – New International Version, CEV – Contemporary English Version)

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#Psalm115 #hope #glory #HisName


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