Come Away By Yourself

By yourself. Dreamy. Scary.

A simple request distorted into a monumental task.  We long to have a moment of respite, of quiet, a time to be refueled from the inside out, to breathe….. but every day to do’s and projects and sick friends and volunteer commitments and kids and …

Whether it is 10 minutes at lunch or a whole day at a park, open the invitation and read it.

Dear Beloved,

Please join me at your earliest convenience. I long to be with you. There so many things I want to share with you, to encourage you, to give you strength, to give you rest, and to just be with you would delight me. My availability is fully open, when can we get some time together?

The Lover of Your Soul

If only we heeded His words, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31.

(This Pict Post was first published on 10-24-18 and reposted today in hopes you will open the invitation.)

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BLOG SCHEDULE: Please enjoy hope every Monday this summer with a concise, creative burst through Pict Posts or with the reposting of previous blogs now with an audio option. A new series of devotional-style blogs will begin this Fall. God’s Word Gives Hope is committed to bringing inspiring, practical messages from the Bible into your life. Check this one out.  Does Anyone Delight In You.

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