Summer Update – 2021

Dear Faithful Readers,

I want to thank you for your consistent support of the God’s Word Gives Hope blog. Your reading, sharing, and comments encourage me to continue the work God has placed on my heart to lead people into God’s Word as a primary source for direction and encouragement in their lives.

I will continue to post during the summer, but the next series of devotional-style blogs will not come out until August/September. This summer, you can expect to see new content that will help you with the “how to’s” of spending time alone with God and how to utilize the features at the end of the devotional-style blogs – Meditation, Reflection, and Digging Deeper.

This summer, you can also expect to see a few Pict Posts, which are visually inspired brief encouragements of a scripture verse. I will also be reposting older blogs, but with the Listen option added.

The Listen option is located in the top left corner and provides an audio version for those who prefer to listen over reading. It is my goal to make this a standard option for each blog. You may know people who like listening to podcasts over reading. Now you can forward and share the God’s Word Gives Hope blogs with your auditory friends.

Once again, if a particular message inspires your life, give others hope by telling them about the blog, forward your emails of hope to others, share hope on social media, and continue to like and make comments on each blog.

I pray that God will use this blog to inspire you to be in God’s Word and be hooked by His Promises with the Hope His Word brings to your life.

Let’s have a fantastic summer together.


“Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.” Romans 15:4, NLT

“The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8, NRSV


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