The Perfect Gift

Updated Pict Post from December 2018

“Surprise,” my sister and her daughter shouted as they walked through our parents backdoor at 10 pm on a Friday night. My sister and I made a special effort to drive home to see our parents in the Christmas cantata at their new church.

“This is the perfect gift,” my mom declared the next afternoon. The gift of spending time with her two daughters and granddaughter was better than any present we could have given.

This is the time of year when we search for the perfect gift to give and secretly hope to receive. Too often the hustle and bustle overpowers the real gift of spending time with each other. Add in a pandemic and we have a second pandemic on our hands from not being able to spend time with those we love.

Precious moments with the ones we care for the most are the gifts best unwrapped intentionally. Let’s savor those moments this year with those we are able to be with and treat them like the gifts they are.

Above all else is the Gift Who has the power to move mountains, calm fears and bring peace amidst the most difficult of situations.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above…” James 1:17.

This Christmas celebrate each other, look for experiences over things and remember to spend time with the greatest gift, Jesus Christ.

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BLOG SCHEDULE: Please enjoy hope through short Pict Post burst and revisiting previous blogs every Monday. A new series of hope will begin in January 2021. My devotional style blogs are committed to bring you hope. Check this one out, 3 Ways to Regain Control Of Your Thoughts.


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