
“Contentment comes from valuing what you’ve been given, not venting over what’s been withheld.” This source of contentment given by Priscilla Shirer in her devotional book, Awaken, hit me hard.

I like to vent in the name of getting it off my chest.

The source Priscilla mentions is a thought reset.  A focus on what I have. A deliberate choice to keep my mouth closed. And here we have a lesson in contentment.

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11, NIV

Paul learned how and we can too. Despite what may have already gone wrong or might go wrong. Let’s remember this is the season we celebrate our source of power coming into the world. Two verses past the lesson on contentment, Paul reminds us that Christ is the one who gives us the strength to choose to dwell on what Priscilla challenges us – to dwell on what we have been given over what has been withheld.

So let’s stop ourselves from filling the season with useless venting and stockpile the gift of gratitude for what we have.

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BLOG SCHEDULE: Please enjoy hope through short Pict Post burst and revisiting previous blogs every Monday. A new series of hope will begin in January 2021. My devotional style blogs are committed to bring you hope. Check this one out, Five Filters For Our Mouths.

#content #contentment #learntobecontent

1 Comment

  1. Thank you Janae. This has been an especially negative year and we all need to be reminded that we are blessed beyond our circumstances.

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