Need Hope?

Like a rug ripped out from underneath my feet, I have spent the past couple of years trying to rediscover my purpose. It’s been almost 25 years since my knees were bent to the earth in the garden frantically pulling weeds, when God’s heart touched mine and the seed of a call to write was planted.

Over the years, writing has been part of my purpose it has been expressed in a variety of ways. Blogging became a popular platform and I dabbled. A self-published book and Bible study was also added to the list. Ministry, life and most recently a move bundled together with a collection of changes all have provided my justification to not write as often and recently hardly at all. One thing though, beyond all my excuses, gnawed at me the most. A niche, they say it is what you need.

We seek purpose in our lives. Whether intentionally or unintentionally our mind and heart search for a place to steer us, motivate us and give us direction with deeper meaning. A servitude of a life dedicated to God is absolutely worthwhile and one I grounded myself in at a young age. Even for those of us who choose this path of purpose, it is a broad scope. We still search within this scope for a detailed definition of our purpose.

I was told I needed a focus for my blog that I needed a niche. “Do I need a niche?” I asked God and quickly spouted out the real question I wanted answered, “What is my niche?”  This question became my prayer as I searched for the next season of my purpose in writing.

During the summer after our move, while we waited to find a home to settle into, I intermittently traveled to see family and friends. On one such trip to see my parents, I felt drawn to the book laying on the nightstand. Thumbing through the pages, I stopped randomly and began to read. God style, a verse lifted itself off the page and slapped me across the face. In this moment, God answered my prayer.

“Whatever was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” Romans 15:4, NIV.

Out of all my years of reading and studying God’s Word, this verse had gone unnoticed.

While God’s Word is multifaceted, a foundational purpose of God’s Word is to bring us Hope.

The kind of hope which expects in faith something will happen. A believing kind of hope beyond what we can see. The kind of hope which is stable and steadfast. A solid hope dependable as the sun rising each day despite the weather and its visibility to the naked eye.

Hope which launches us forward and brings us peace. Hope which delves deep into the recesses of our soul where we know it is real, because out of the billions of people on the planet earth, the God of the universe sees us (Genesis 16:11-14) and He loves us. (Isaiah 43:4) He loves you and me enough to orchestrate 40 different authors spanning approximately 1600 years all penning a similar message. The message of God’s love for us. A message He knew we would need today. A message which continuously brings hope.

God’s Word gives hope. This is why I have returned to it over and over again throughout my life time looking for answers, direction and comfort. I am over the moon excited to embark on a journey to write how God’s Word brings me hope in my life and share those moments with you.

What to expect?

Relaunch with the new focus on God’s Word Gives Hope will be Monday, October 5, 2020.

Posts will be made weekly on Mondays. Each post will highlight God’s Word and a personal message of how it has intersected with my life and brought hope. There will be a “Digging Deeper” with verses to look up for those who would like to explore further. There will also be a “Meditation”, a phrase to process, chew on, and make it your prayer throughout the week. I aspire for each blog to lift your spirit, fill you with courage and equip you with hope enough to take your next step.

Could you use some hope from time to time? Please join me and share with others the message of how God’s Word Gives Hope.

 “And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope.” Roman 15:4, CEV.

Dig Deeper: Romans 15: 1-6; Psalm 130:5; Psalm 147:15-18, ESV
Meditation: God’s gives me hope

Thank you for reading. Subscribe to the blog and get hope every week in your inbox. Share hope with others on social media or forward from your inbox.

#hope #niche

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