More Than a Birthday

I was born on October 2 in a small town in Michigan.

Birthdays are significant in that they represent life.  We are all unique, a one of a kind miracle of God.  (Whether you believe this or not, it is the truth!)  Our birthdays indicate that on that day the world was forever changed because a distinctive person was born.  No other person in the world has or ever will have your/my fingerprint.

Thus birthdays are special whether celebrated or not.  They are a date worth remembering.  What are the chances of other monumental events occurring on that day?  What are the chances of other personal monumental events occurring on that day?

I had one such experience on October 2, 1997.   A simple day it began.  It was a Thursday and my day off.  Perfect timing, I thought.  Yet there was no way of knowing how an ordinary day that happened to be my birthday and my day off would change the direction of my life.

One of the life changing outcomes of that day was the prompting from God to write.  Sixteen years later, I have written countless Encouraging articles for the women of my church, a book about the life of my mother-n-law, one book in process, this blog and most recently a Bible study and a workbook to go with it.

What happened October 2, 1997?  It is part of my story, which I will be sharing in the second session teaching of the Bible study.  The second session will be taught next Monday night and the last day of that week’s homework will finish my experience from October 2, 1997.  I am amazed once again at the timing.  It is a bit overwhelming to be able to share my story so close to my actual birthday and since 1997 the date that has represented the day that my life changed directions.

As if launching the Bible study this past Monday and the timing of sharing my story with women in hopes God will use it to move them forward in their journey – isn’t enough, there is more.

Today, my son will be baptized along with several others from our church at the beach.  He is so excited about being able to do what Jesus did.  It brings more joy than a mother can almost take to witness the joy and transformation within their child.  Yes, even a ten year old, who is basically a good kid, when the Spirit of the Living God is personally invited to lead their life, visible changes take place.

October 2, 1965.  I was born.

October 2, 1997.  I had a life changing experience.

October 2, 2013.  My son and I will share a forever mile marker, life changer, deal breaker monumental event –making my birthday…

…more than a birthday!

If you would like to be a part of the Image Wearer to Image Bearer Bibles study and hear the story of my experience that day in 1997, all the information is one click away on the Image Bearer button.



  1. Janae, first of all, happy birthday! Secondly, sweet praises for the awesome parents you and tony have been to your children. I know Silas’ baptism will be a special day. I remember sitting in 1st baptist and watching Kate be baptized. She was saved because of Tony’s witness to her and his youth ministry at the church. She also was God work in my life through you. Thanks to both you and Tony for being faithful servants.

    I would love to attend the next bible study session. How do I do that?

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