Do you live your life in a way that reflects how much you are loved? Living from knowing we are loved impacts every facet of our lives. Please enjoy this “Loved It” blog, the second of a three-week series. The blog is from February 12, 2024. Click here to read Internal Results from our Living…
Living Loved | Know Your Source – LOVED IT
Do you live your life in a way that reflects how much you are loved? Living from knowing we are loved impacts every facet of our lives. Please enjoy this “Loved It” blog, the first of a three-week series. The blog is from February 5, 2024. Click here to read Know Your Source from our…
Who Am I – Really? | True Story with Jamie and Will Goodwin
“He chose us before the creation of the world.” What happens when we live as chosen, valued, and seen? When we… No longer need to be chosen, because we know we already are chosen, No longer question our value, because we know our worth, and No longer bothered when we are looked over, because we…
Who am I – Really? | Valued
“You are more valuable to God.” What has intrinsic value to you? We can place worth on a variety of things. Relationships, integrity, work-life balance, what others think of us, the balance in our checkbook, to the type of phone we use, or the car we drive. Value is an assignment we give. Like the…
Who am I – Really? | Seen
“The One who sees me.” Have you ever had one of those days? A day when you overslept, woke up to a sick pet that now needs to be cleaned up. A day when you spilled coffee on your outfit, but you have already left for work. A day when you realized the deadline was…
Who am I – Really? | Chosen
“God loved us and chose us.” Have you ever been chosen to represent the team, receive an award, or hold a prestigious position? Any type of chosen, selected, or handpicked feels good, doesn’t it? Chosen is more than being accepted. To be chosen is a deliberate act. Chosen also expresses the motive that there is…
Choose Better | True Story with Alice Shiflett
“Once you were..but now you are.” What happens when we choose better? When we choose to sit at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to teach us, we will be transformed. In this week’s true story episode, we talked with Alice Shiflett. She shared about her journey with choosing better. Reflections on the True…
Choose Better | Protecting
“Guard your heart.” What or who would you fiercely protect? In our home, we have a saying, “Don’t make her go momma bear on you.” The phrase is a funny way of telling someone they had better back off because I, the momma bear, will go into complete defense mode—a mode you do not want…
Choose Better | Abiding
“Abide in Me.” How do we “choose better”? Making the better choice is being like Mary when she sat at Jesus’ feet. We tend, however, to be more like Martha, being pulled away by a myriad of distractions. (Luke 10:38-42) One who masters choosing better has learned to sift through the distractions and recognize the…
Choose Better | Sitting
“Mary has chosen what is better…” Have you ever looked back and wished you had made a better choice? I have tried to live my life without regret, but if I could go back in time, there are a few things I would have done and said differently. I would have been kinder to myself…